This may come as a shock, but what is "drivel" to you is not drivel to other people. Other people are not you, they have other interests and experience you may not have. You might want to consider that when asking to have "binned" a thread you personally don’t care for ;-)
Which leads to the question of why you participate so much in a thread you dislike so much?
Maybe it will also come as a shock that likely no one comes to a thread like this expecting the issue to be "settled" by this discussion. Why enter with such an unrealistic expectation?
Another likely fact: the audience for a thread is usually far larger than the number of people posting in the thread. Not everyone may have read every other thread about the cable controversy, and may be finding newly stated points of view to think about.
As far as wasting people’s time, you seem to be projecting your own boredom and lack of interest in this subject to others. You may as well be entering a discussion board about a sport you don’t follow to declare to everyone else "you are wasting your time discussing stuff that’s not interesting or changing anyone’s mind." I mean, it’s the weirdest thing to enter a subject that clearly interests other people to declare their own time has been wasted reading it.
It’s interesting for many people to see a controversial subject debated, and to consider the merits of the arguments for each side. Someone may find his own position merited in the discussion, or may find "the other side" has actually made some decent points to consider. (And a number of people have stated they have enjoyed reading many of the posts in this thread).
Some people may not have come to a firm conclusion on this subject, and not everyone is as close minded to not be moved at all by reasoned argument and/or evidence.
Even you seemed to have started in this thread on a firmer position that cables make a difference, earlier stating:
elizabeth: I am totally in the audio cables can make a difference camp,
But now your posts have softened that position to:
elizabeth: The title of this thread is:" DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? " and I am saying Maybe,
So it seems odd that you castigate the idea of this thread as having no effect on anyone’s position, when your very own statements on cable differences have become more equivocal. Progress has been made ;-)