spade lugs won't fit

Any one familiar with the (Mcintosh 7100) amp, it has screws on that back...I just bought new speaker cables and the (spade ) lugs are too thick to fit under the screws....other than file job...any suggestions.  I can take a pic if needed !!
thanks to all !!!
My recollection is that Anticables make a nice light weight copper vintage gear sized spade
Audio Classics is a great source for all things Vintage Mac

Are you able to use bare wire?  You can get a decent connection and any oxidation can be easily cleaned off every few years.

Having previously used the (excessively) thick Naim cable previously I prefer to use Chord Odyssey silver plated or just plain oxygen free copper nowadays.

I do find unwieldy cables and plugs far more trouble than they are worth. The same goes for badly labelled input jacks!
as an aside....current Vandersteen speakers use small spades.  Richard says they sound better.
If the spade ends are built/pressed into the cable, you'll either need to butcher the cable or send it back. I use the adapters listed earlier with banana plug speaker cable ends. Has been working well for several years now.