Granite and digital..

I'm thinking about making a homemade isolation platform for my cd player.What I was going to make whould be 2 slabs of 2 1/2" thick pieces of granite separated by a air bladder of some kind..There a lot of different isolation shells on the market but wasn't sure if granite is good for the over all sound.Any comments.
I find granite fine. The granite slab must be isolated from the rack. Combination of cones and elastomeric products. Use your fingers to feel if the granite is vibrating. No vibration - no problem. If your not satisfied with your fingers simply put a teaspoon of salt or fine sand on the granite and play your music above the volume you like. Vibration shows up immediately. If you want to be more fanatical glue a piece of plywood or  mdf to the underside of the granite using a glue that will remain flexible to minimize all vibration. Don’t forget to further isolate from the granite and use mass as appropriate for the digital player. 2 pieces of 2.5 inches on a bladder is a no go; will just make you crazy/crazier. :). Cheers
Uh, that’s why it’s a good idea to isolate speakers and subs. Granite’s properties of high mass and stiffness are good for the sound. That’s why isolation platforms from the big boys oft come with granite top plates.
Remember/realize that geoffkait likes to spoof and drive members of this forum crazy with some of his fanciful non sense. Most comment that he seems ready for the loony bin; if not already strait jacket material :)
You obviously can’t tell the difference between your 🍑 and your elbow. Still suffering PTSS, eh? Did you flunk out of school? 
The first sentence wasn't really unkind, and I think it has some truth in it. It's not that bad. You often play the devil's advocate for fun. (or to frustrate)