Granite and digital..

I'm thinking about making a homemade isolation platform for my cd player.What I was going to make whould be 2 slabs of 2 1/2" thick pieces of granite separated by a air bladder of some kind..There a lot of different isolation shells on the market but wasn't sure if granite is good for the over all sound.Any comments.
Remember/realize that geoffkait likes to spoof and drive members of this forum crazy with some of his fanciful non sense. Most comment that he seems ready for the loony bin; if not already strait jacket material :)
You obviously can’t tell the difference between your 🍑 and your elbow. Still suffering PTSS, eh? Did you flunk out of school? 
The first sentence wasn't really unkind, and I think it has some truth in it. It's not that bad. You often play the devil's advocate for fun. (or to frustrate)  
Yes, I have a sense of humor. You should try it sometime. I do not appreciate some 🍑 🎩 interrupting a thread to make some dumb statement. Capish?

Devil’s advocate? I don’t think so. Too mundane.