To active speaker or not.. this is the question

I have been considering down sizing my whole system recently.

I’ve currently have Living voice Avatar 2 (upgraded with current drivers 94db, 35hz-20khz) speakers, 300b SET F3008 from Finale Audio, Garrard 301 grease bearing - Jelco 750L(12") - VDH MC10 cart ( yes on the harry edge of compliance), and streaming Digital from a dedicated striped down PC into an older MSB DAC . I know the DAC is defiantly the weakest link in my system. more details in my profile.

I am fairly satisfied with my sound on Vinyl, will upgrade the Phono stage later this year when the one comes up used (Manley chinook is high on my list). I have even been thinking of getting out of vinyl all together but i’m having issues with ditching my collection of 35+ years and I do love the interaction of spinning records and the sound of course. I also like Digital, I’m not in either camp I love both.

So to the good stuff or questions. has anyone gone the Pre-amp and Active speaker route and found it works better then you’d expected? What did you like as a combo? did you trade off anything ?

My thought is a Tube Pre driving the active speakers but maybe there is another way i’m not thinking of.

What are the speakers that you could recommend used or new but probably use is the better value?

If I go this route I will sell the Integrated and current speakers, minimum, to free up about $6-7k (maybe a little higher for the right combo max $10k) for both a Pre and Active speaker.

Some other thought to add maybe; room correction (little ify about digitizing my analogue). I’d like to get around 40-35hz in the low end min.

Tower or stand mount. Warm, musical, engaging and detailed sound but not to over analytical or in your face I tend to prefer fabric dome tweeters but I have not heard ribbons so cant judge them. excellent sound stage and wide dispersion as I like to wonder around a bit (ADHD). Speakers I’ve owned that I have loved Proac’s, Sonus Fabers, Living Voice (if not a little base shy in my room), Audio Note ANE ok but not as great IMO as the hype. I say I loved them but in the end sold them all. well still got the Living Voice.

Music; Classic Rock but more to the Prog side and mellower content yeah I like to rock sometimes but not often think Steely Dan, Pink Floyd, Santana ish stuff, i’m getting into Jazz quite a bit with a side of blues, world music. I’m not a classical music lover just never got into it maybe later in life (i’m 53).

Extra info I will need an input for a tuner, 2 digital inputs, Phono MC these all could be built in but I do have a tuner, Phono Stage and DAC to use (or sell), these are just what i’m using it be nice to have all in one box but not necessary if i’m going to sacrifice sound or resale value down the road (hobby my ass call it a calling to upgrade)

what I will not buy. Black speakers, period (don’t like speaker grills either). prefer wood finishes or something warm and comfy looking, yeah i’m a visual and tactile guy too.

thanks Guys


ps I have searched the forms there is not much thats current ( 5 plus years)

Actives, especially studio monitors, are a great choice! 

But there is no right answer. At the end of the day you have to love the sound. 

ATC might fit your musical taste. They are used by Matty Spindel (engineer Santana Supernatural) and David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) as well as Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull). You need to listen as they meet all your criteria except they are not overly warm (being neutral.)
ATC, PMC and Dynaudio is worth looking at if not expensive here in NA mind you the UK pound is quite deflated right now. I do head PMC is a bit dry and analytical sounding though. Wonder if there is anything else to look at closer to ?