Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.

Looking for the best sounding "budget" integrated amp for use with an Vandersteen 2C (1980’s version) speakers. CD source alternates between a Sony PS1 and Cal Audio Icon II Power Boss. Budget is roughly $300, maybe up to $400. I’ve been thinking something from NAD, but with all the different models out there, I have no idea which models are the best sounding--regardless of power. It will also need to have a phono stage. I’d like to have a remote too, but it’s not a deal breaker. My system is in a second bedroom, so even though I like to crank every once in a while, most of the time I'm listening at reasonable levels. My listening tastes consists of stuff like Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Tangerine Dream, etc.
Onkyo A-9050 delivers 75 watt/channel, has a 4 Ohm selector that limits the output into 4 Ohm to 65 watt/channel. I’m using it to drive a Magnepan MMGi 4Ohm speaker plays loud and sounds great and barely warm to the touch. you can find it online fro less than $400.
Something that awakes them from their soporific daze. Forget anything remotely laid back.


good suggestions as above. Add Creek or Music Hall to your demo list.

Happy Listening!

Thank you all for the great recommendations! I have a lot of options to think about.

In my original post, I indicated NAD. But, I had been thinking about the Yamaha A-S models as well... 301, 500, 501, etc. I’m glad there were a lot of responses on those Yammy models, as I was curious as to what they really sounded like--compared to NAD, Rotel, as well as the British integrateds from Creek, Arcam and Rega.

Also, I may have some add’l funds to add to my budget as I just sold an extra CDP I had and was not really using it anymore. This might afford a new A-S501 or used A-S700. Or new NAD 326BEE or used Rega Brio R. 

I Agree with @teo_audio; but I'd go with the RA-1070.

I had a Rotel RX-1052 much preferred it to a NAD 7250 PE (not a fair match), a Creek (forget the model, but I think it was 100 watts and had great reviews) and decided that the difference in price was not worth the difference in SQ when I took it to Johnny Rutan's to do a side by side with a Belles Aria through ProAcs ....although the Aria was like magic with Vandy Teo CTs.