Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.
At last we agree
But you REALLY do need to try those new valve stem covers with graphene!
But let me try to be serious for a moment, which is very difficult in light of some of the comments here ( yes I am guilty as well) but nevertheless.

Nobody here is exhorting anybody to rush out and buy boutique fuses, unless I missed a post.
Nobody forced me to try one, nobody forced me to keep them.
I read, I dismissed some of the over the top claims but thought I would give them a try.
I am a grown adult( sometimes) and more than capable of making my own,mind up on whether to spend $150 or not!
I perceived an improvement, I was happy, this I reported, nothing more.
I would NEVER tell anybody here that they HAVE to try them.
I assume others are adult enough to likewise make their own minds up on how they spend their money.
There is a word for people telling you what they think, its called:

  1. information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.
A step above pure :

  1. 1.the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces

I suppose, but its still just hear·say and anyone can do it. 

Again, promoting tweaks as a commercial endeavor on a chat forum is my main beef...and questioning hyperbole is just a hobby...I'm guilty of posting about stuff I like, but it's clear I REALLY don't care who agrees with me, although those who do are generally smart and good looking.
The only thing I am truly shocked about is that these forums have not collapsed under the sheer weight of the egos contained within.