Cambridge Audio 740 cdp dying...suggested replacement?

My 10 year old Cambridge Audio 740 is having drawer and possibly laser issues for the 2nd time. Looking for suggestions on a new cdp. I have literally 1000s of cds so a player is definitely wanted/needed.( My Squeezebox touch is also aging so a combo might be ok). Pure player or transport is fine. Will be in a main system for now playing all kinds of music. New with known durability is good as no techs in Hawaii for all intents and purposes. $500-2000 range. Like Marantz though I was told by a dealer that only the cd8005 held up well. Heard a Rega Apollo last year, sounded nice. Beyond that no recent examples. Have a Sony ES sacd5400 in a second system which is best for sacds but also  no longer made. 
Music Direct has a new Yamaha CD/SACD player listed on sale for 1299.00.  It looks like it’s built like a tank.  Might be worth a look.
If durability is the issue, avoid NAD.  Until a few months ago I would have recommended Oppo.  You might want to try the new Sony Universal Player, which goes for around $400.  At that price you could buy 2 and if one dies iafter 5 years or so roll out the second.  Their weak link is their DAC but you indicated that you only need a transport.  If anything happens to your Sony 5400 then you have a backup for that as well.
  Another option in your price range that is a bit non traditional is Bryston’s Optical Disc Player.  It is meant to burn discs to a HD but can also play CDs.
Bryston products are known for their durability and extended warranty protection 

OLD POST l KNOW but still relevant for someone in the same position. New Cambridge CXC CD player (or a second hand 752BD Universal player)

Find a Cambridge CXC transport and you will have an upgrade but will need a DAC or compatible amplifier. I have both a CXC and a Cambridge Audio 752BD (SACD/CD/DVD/Blu-ray) which l will keep for some time to come. Both would do the job of an old 740. The 752BD is a very capable CD player, has onboard DAC and the upscaling TV 4K is a plus for a Blu-ray player.