Affordable Processor with Fabulous 2 Channel ?


I'm using my Mytek Brooklyn DAC as a pre for music and TV. It is fabulous sounding but I really would like to have 5.1 channel surround, and a single remote! 

Is there an affordable processor (used OK) that has at least as good 2 channel performance? Emotiva is right out. I owned one, and it sounded thin as paper. I note that there are a lot of Krell processors for sale at reasonable prices. 


Thanks for all of that @caphill. 

I do my own room correction really, so I'm not worried about that.  I'll read more on the Classe SSP! 


is there any difference in quality on the Classé Sigma when streaming music through Tidal  when connecting via airplay vs a hard connection via USB?

Yes, there's compression with airplay which degrades sound quality regatdless of which device it is. 
I would never use airplay. 
Good to know.  I always heard air play was lossless, (ALAC)  but always thought a hard connection was better.