Tidal streaming and classical music

Tidal has 50 million songs, but the classical choices are terrible IMO!

Try finding common “war horse” recordings and you are SOL!

Good choices are missing in action!

What is a classical buff to do?

Why has nobody setup great classical CD quality streaming in the USA?

How much longer do we have to wait? This is 2018 not 1993 early internet!


How about Mercury Living Presence, RCA Living Stereo, DECCA, Lyrita, RCA Red Seal, recordings etc.!

All recordings on the TAS list or Arthur Salvatore’s list???
Post removed 
"Arthur Salvatore convinced me to buy Coincident speakers "
What the heck does this have to do with the OP's question?
I am not a big fan of Classical.
Have you tried,
for streaming Classical music???
Matt M

I don't know if you get Quobuz over there as I am in UK but I have it and think it is first class. When I was looking around for a streaming service I put my old stallwart in their search engine which is Charles Valentin Alkan and it came up with loads of results. For anyone new to him he was a friend of Chopin and Liszt and a phenominal pianist himself. It is said when he was going on stage to play if Liszt found out Alkan was in the audience he would get really nervous. He wrote some really interesting stuff but was not played too often because of the extreme difficuties involved in playing the torrents of notes . There are no end of supremely gifted pianists today who do play him, Marc-Andre Hamelin being a noted one.
I can find what I am looking for on Tidal only if I have the listing on Spotify to copy. Needless to say, I use Spotify for most of my listening, despite the 'low rez' output.