Electrostat - M-L; Quad or Soundlab - reliable

Looking for the best electrostat that is reliable. Seems as Soundlab sounds the best performed, but is the most unreliable; Quad is second best performer - very safe - easiest to resell but also unreliable. M-L third, but maybe the most reliable.

Is the reliability issue due to people playing "Pink Floyd at 100 dB" or is reliability also an issue for us 80 to 85 dB people?
Put me down as fifth for the Acoustats.
Acoustat had a number of different model. Some preferred the earlier Full range models and some liked the later Spectra series and all the different models.

What do I think, well I think any of them are the best bang for the $$ you can find and are known as the most reliable stat there is.

Another thing is Bass, certain models of Acoustats have incredible bass and it's not disjointed like some coming from a woofer, this is all panel.

I'm into the earlier ones that run the panels full range and by that I mean there is no x-over, all panels run fullrange, very coherent, no phase issues with x-overs.

I run Acoustat X with Direct Drive Servo Tube amps.

I've had a few pairs of Maggies and still have a pair of MG IIIa in storage and traded my Eminent Technology 8a to get these. Best move I ever made.

If you can find a pair of Acoustats, grab them, and if you can find a pair with the Direct Drive Servo Tube amps, jump all over them. The amps can be easily upgraded to perform as reliable and stable as new tube amps.
Hi, I also have owned electrostats for many years 4 pair of quad 57s with only one problem a panel went out. 23 years ago purchased a pair of Audioatatics ES240s they have been trouble free since day one. They sound great and do everything I want them to do,and yes i'd say they are reliable.I play this pair almost every day.
Maybe the Acoustats were TOO good.... no replacement parts revenue was being generated....

As a long time MartinLogan owners, I can say that how long the panels last really depends on the environment they're in and how they're taken care of.

Monthly vacuuming of the panels keeps the dust buildup to a minimum. Humidity affects the lifespan also.

The newer panels will last 10 years EASILY before needing replacement. My Sequel panel were 16 years old and instead of replacing them, I upgraded.... but you could tell the "magic" was gone...

Hope that helps... I also agree about auditioning a pair of Maggies. They have a similar sound to e-stats. I'm not sure about their reliability, however.. Someone else with more knowledge about Maggies can attest....

Good Luck!

I've read Ohm Walsh speakers referred to as Quads without limits, ie they sound much like Quads with better dynamics and can take whatever power you throw at them and go as loud as you want.

I ended up with two pair of Ohms originally coveting the sound of Quads when things are going right.