I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec

Agree completely with everything grannyring said. Much more difficult to sell stuff than it was a few years ago.
Well, I like the photo, being a PF fan.  But you can keep the preamps, as I am quite happy with my PS Audio BHK Sig.
It was and is a boomer hobby and it is dying as we all age and stay content on our systems. Younger folks are a speck of this hobby and their interests are elsewhere. We grew up with Hi-Fi, and Cars and a love of music. It is generational. I still look from time to time, but less so today. The hobby is also now focused on the very well off due to a lack of sales for the average Joe with family and kids and zero interest in spending for high-end gear or even above say a Best Buy store. I love the hobby still but the writing is on the wall. Portability, streaming is the thing, along with cell phones, earbuds and of course the streaming radios and Sirus/XM. Have all the music and styles you could want so no reason to own or buy for the average Joe, they can hear their music without the cost of high-end Audio gear nor the collecting music, the buy songs now, the whole album to them no longer matters.