I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec
The high-end audio community might learn something from the way sports cards are traded online.  Sure, there are still direct auction site sales, but more and more traders are listing through reliable 3rd party resellers who receive, review, and inventory the cards and conduct the sales transaction, then send the seller the proceeds.  Prices are established by the re-seller, so they have the ability to control risks and make a reliable profit.  It's a lot like selling on consignment.  The seller will generally take 10% – 15%.  It certainly is easier to do this with a product that slips into an envelope, but it may be a viable option for bulkier items as well.  
"Maybe everyone else is like me, too much gear and generally happy with their sound."

Reading these posts, I doubt it is everyone, but at least there is two of us.

It is interesting to see that people are actually buying and selling a lot (relatively). A poster with a dozen speakers bought in just a few years. That is wonderful and dedication to the hobby, but the pool of people that do that is probably limited. It would be a new pair of speakers every few months. I dread moving mine even for vacuuming the floor around them, much less carrying them somewhere and bringing new ones in.

When it comes to prices we should not forget that this hobby is really about equipment. As much as we can drool over some piece and have emotional attachment to it with all the lovely words attached, once we decide to sell it, it is nothing but a piece of junk we are trying to get rid of. It may be sad, but it is how the rest of the world sees it. If nobody wants to pay more than 33% for it, those who may appreciate our lovely piece may not be in love with it quite yet. Unless they buy it for that 33%, they will never fall in love. Maybe the "fair" price level has simply been reset from, let’s say, 50% to 30%. There is a new kid in town and he does not care about our feelings.

Audiogon - With a set of speakers on sale  you never have heard for $100,000 I would think sales are slow.  Bring out the weird Tuba speakers and see how much $$$ you can get for them.  50K, $1,000,000  I love high end Audio but there comes a point of practicality.  Is Audiogon for the Audio enthusiast?  Audiophile? or only for the rich?  It seems only for the Millionaires or billionaires could afford most of what I see here.  Trying to rub it in?  We less fortunate folks love music and love great sounding gear too just as much as anyone else.  Perhaps I will someday have a dream receiver or Amp that would be consider garbage here.  Oh, How about those $6,000 pair of 10ft speaker cables?  HOG WASH!  Will they sound better of they are 24K solid Gold?  Or do they need to register at 90% pure to sound best?


I am also puzzled who and why would buy used $400 000 speakers on a website like this, but it does not hurt that they exist here. On the other hand, not everything is in that stratosphere on Audiogon. There are amplifiers for $150 and a number of things in that, relatively low, range. Granted, it may not be what you really want at that moment, but it does exist. And if someone in the USA wants to have $60 000 amplifier running on wrong voltage shipped from Europe, so be it. He probably knows why.

The best solution for not losing money on our precious stereo systems through resale would be to save up for whatever dream system floats your boat..set it up,sit back and forget all the audio hype involved in this hobby and enjoy the pleasurable rewards of  'y-o-u-r'  high performance stereo system. It will never be perfect..there does not exist such an animal !

Oh !!!  And the most important part is to never visit this or any other audio site for fear that your dream system is no longer good enough for your needs [you know..all those bogus manufacturer claims out there that are blatantly false].

Lust is a very powerful mindset [ think.. audio,woman,cars or whatever ] and if you continue on a journey of that nature.. you will surely lose money 'every time' you go to fulfil that wanton desire.How many of us here have lost a ton of money over our desires of the flesh? As the song goes...'don't worry..be happy'.. and enjoy the gift of music that moves us all to want it so much in our very short lives.