Black backgrounds and such

So I’ve been reading audio reviews for 25 years but sometimes the descriptions etc used still don’t make sense or I question what they are really trying to say. What is a black background for example?  Is it the silence that exists when my system is off ?  Curious if there is some glossary or explanation or even better an audio recording which would provide examples of one descriptor vs another.  It’s kind of like wine but at least when someone says has notes of blackberry I have a reference point!
I think it's both being super quiet, but also letting you hear into the acoustics of the recording. Audibly, it feels as if the wall behind the speakers disappears and you are in a different physical space. 

Kind of related, tape yourself talking in a room, then listen to the recording. Your ear/brain mechanism filters out echoes all the time, to the point you barely perceive them unless they are severe or you are a trained listener. 


I have to say I always had the same question. It's hard to describe. Once you hear it you'll know. The first time I heard a blacker background is when I added a black box to my Octave V70se integrated. It was like clearer vocals and instruments. The next time was when I went from Dynaudio C1 speakers to Raidho D1's. Even more clarity. A side observation was when the music was playing loud I found myself being able to talk and not raise my voice when having a conversation.
I heard it when i upgraded my turntable  - from a Kuzma Reference/Triplanar to the bigger, much heavier Kuzma XL with Airline (lateral tracking) arm. There was less a sense of a turntable spinning-- what i'd call a 'halo' around the sound. Not exactly blacker blacks, but when some source of noise/distortion is suddenly absent, you realize it was there. 
I've always likened it to those Elvis painting on velvet. In the audio sphere
I've used the analogy often for what I hear with a well designed tube amp versus a well designed transistor amp. The tube unit will get notes coming out of a dead quiet. The transistor unit will have something busy in the background. It's like there is some Brownian movement or some quantum creation and dissolution at the molecular level that, in quiet passages, you can feel present. Now I know Brownian movement or quantum activity are on any technical level factually misleading and incorrect, still, there's something happening that does not go away there.

With a black backdrop it goes Midnight in the Graveyard quiet. Elvis on a silk background is not like Elvis on a velvet surface. It's nothing if you haven't noticed it. If you don't zone in on it, it's nothing. Once it becomes a possibility in your awareness it becomes imperative. I can't live with a busy background. In effect, listening for blackness is listening for nothing. Is it an obsession to listen for nothing?

Might be, very well might be, but what is this whole hobby but an obsession?

Thanks for all the responses. So does a small amount of barely audible hiss count against the black background?

im still in search for some glossary that will normalize terms used in reviews. It all reads very poetically but hard to gauge whether certain things are meaningful.