NO measurement or design principal has ever been
shown to give a close correlation with sound quality.
I agree in the sense that no single measurement does - it is usually a
combination of measurements and design principals that correlate to sound
quality. Often there is more than one way to skin a cat.
BTW - The student who ran these subwoofer tests in a parking lot has been
hired by Genelec - to
work in their R&D department. He will have access to anechoic chambers
now. I suspect the parking lot is just a way to get raw baseline comparable
measurements under controlled conditions - for sure these need to be
interpreted carefully. As Duke points out - a roll off is probably more
desirable than a flat response to 20 Hz - due to the in room wall boundary
boost effect.
Genelec is not well known to audio consumers but they have a strong
following in the music recording business.