Mr.Carr is right, but the topic is about "Highest detail cartridges" and i think there is a strong relation between frequency range, stylus profile, cantilever materials (and the whole design). But no one, i believe, can call a rolled-off cartridge a "Highest detail cartridges", right?
It is not necessary that a person will like "Highest detail cartridges" more that some amazing cartridges like big and heavy low compliance the FR-7fz for example.
I have all of them and i can compare them, the MM cartridges i have mentioned are the "Highest detail cartridges" for sure ! I do not speak about cartridges that i have never tried
@bpoletti The list of vintage MM cartridges is the list of the "Highest detail cartridges" for your topic.
@jcarr Denon DL-1000 has an effective tip mass 0.077 mg, but Technics top of the line MM cartridge (EPC 100c mk4) has an effective tip mass of about 0.056 mg (the world lowest tip mass?) and if it’s not the one of the "Highest detail cartridges" you can kill me.
I like the Victor MC-1 for another reason, it's just getting me closer to the music. I was very impressed by this Direct Couple desing, look at the pictures of its structure The coil is just above the cantilever and very close to the stylus tip. This is unique design. That was the inspiration for designers of brand new Audio-Technica ART-1000