Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
SR has a Blue duplex now?  I bought the red, then the black.  I guess blue was inevitable.  
Yes, the blues are out, and in. Based upon David’s observations, the blue duplex pretty much makes the red an black obsolete. Thank you Ted Denney for your efforts to improve sound quality.
My three black and two red duplexes are obsolete? How bad are they? I really like the sound improvement from the black duplex. The blue fuse doesn’t make the black fuse obsolete, but somewhat better. I could still live with a black fuse but I really liked the immediate improvement of the blue fuse. The difference between the colored SR fuses and colored SR duplexes do not compare to the great improvement in sound using six E-Mats.  The E-Mats are more like the difference between a stock cheap non-audiophile fuse and an SR black or blue fuse.
@oregonpapa  Frank, is Guatemalan your favorite? It was mine until I tried a delightful Hawaiin Kona. Similar to the Guatemalan, but a bit smoother. Also, if you sweeten your coffee, try a bit of high grade honey. Delicious!
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