Deleted Threads by Admin??

I’ve read a lot of threads where folks complain about the Administrators removing entire threads. While I have no reason to disbelieve the Admins might in fact remove threads, I discovered by accident that the OP’s can also delete their thread(s). (I did so last weekend when I discovered my premise of the thread was false.) When I clicked on my self-deleted thread, the “error” prompt I received was that the Admin removed the thread. So there appears a couple paths whereby a thread can be removed from the forum.
Sounds like @hifiman5 is attempting to hijack this thread as a means of circumventing the Admin’s decision to remove his thread on the same topic. 
Well put.
Faith by its very nature stands on its own
It reminds me of a question put to Joseph Campbell, when asked if he believed in a personal God.
Barney Fife Principle of "Nip it in the Bud."
Ahh, memories...
Hopefully, this doesn't get deleted, as well....

“That’s the challenge faced by this group’s moderators. They can’t babysit every single comment on every single thread, and so they have to make judgment calls.”

The moderators have help reviewing threads. They review those that thread readers report for review.  
@celander   What are you talking about?  I was the first one to respond to your thread about threads being deleted after I just had a thread I initiated deleted.  That must mean I'm trying to hijack your thread about that very topic?

@onhwy61 @nonoise  Fair enough.  I think the original thread did contain what could be considered "politically charged references."  It is very hard to discuss culture devoid without political references.  I believe my first post in this thread avoided that.    

@cleeds Thanks for your thoughtful response above.  Some contemporary philosophers see the shift to Post Modernism happening as appeals to the primacy of feelings over reason and facts are indicators of such.  

Imagine being able to beam someone from the 1960's to 2018.  I think he/she would pass out from culture shock!

So @celander  what should we talk about?🧐