Proac Response D30 DS

I currently own Proac Studio 140MKII which I’m very satisfiedwith ,sound is detailed and punchy soundstage is vast and dynamic are terrific I run it with McIntosh pre / power system with good results .
In the past I considered upgrading to Response D48R but realized that my listening room is relatively small and maybe I will have to upgrade to better McIntosh power amp to move them properly so decided that the D48R is really not for me.
I am considering now an upgrade to the Proac D30 DS( the dome tweeter version because I understood that dome tweeters last longer than Ribbon ones ) but no chance to make a demo in my country. I guess the overall sound wil be improved-more transparency,details and better soundstage- but I am afraid that moving from 2.5 speakers to 2 way ones will reduce the dynamics and bass I already have with my current Studio 140 MKII ? Is the the D30 a substantial step up over the 140 MKII ?
Yes I bought the Ribon twitters version.
So far they sound much better than the dome twitters .
I replaced the stock jumpers with my Tellurium Ultra Black ones the improvement is huge .
This is only first impressions because the D30SR’s are still breaking in :
The build quality of the speakers are exceptional compared to the old model (D30R) the pulp & mika mid-bass driver looks like a substantial step up it build like a jeep tire very rigid and flexible it helps the speakers to be effortless even at the most demanding parts, the sound is very natural and the soundstage is huge and lifelike you can place every instrument in its place and every instrument has its own space to breath.The D30’s go very low almost to subwoofer territory it’s a remarkable achievement from a 2 way speakers design.The Ribbon twitters are great they are sweet and natural and every small naunce come to life in a delicate nature ,Integration between the twitter to the driver is breathtaking.
So far this speakers exceed my expectations by far by their strong dynamics,musicality,effortless and natural nature.
@itzhak1969,Yes, it was the D30RS that got me started on the ProAcs. The first time I listened to it was at AXPONA 2015. I requested the following song to be played:
The room literally shook with the deep bass this song has. Of course they played it through Tidal, and not youtube. I would like to hear your feedback about this song on your D30RS.
Did you get a chance to play some nice acoustic music, like Eric Clapton Unplugged, etc? I agree, the Ribbon twitter is something else.

@milpai,I played many different kind of music and I was overwhelmed by their unfussy nature they just play everything effortlessly in the most faithful and natural way.
The D30’s performance come  close to much more expensive speakers I had heard before .
@itzhak, sounds like a wonderful pair of speakers. I haven’t had the pleasure to hear the entire ProAc line but of the ones I have listened to I completely agree with your statement "unfussy nature they just play everything effortlessly in the most faithful and natural way". Perfect description of ProAc speakers in general. Since acquiring my DT-8s I find myself enjoying listening to the music more and not trying to dissect what the rest of my equipment up chain are either adding or detracting. AS you stated they just flat out play music in a way that has me wanting to listen all the time !!! I have had numerous brands in-house and have heard many more at various shops or homes over the years but ProAc’s have become my favorites.