People often blame the loudspeakers. reality the mistakes are often due to other parts. Based on the fact that most people have not a lot of insight and knowledge regarding sound, the acoustics, smog, magnetism, high frequent noise they asume that the problems are caused by the loudsoeakers. This proofs how complex sound is and that peolle need to look further before they can understand the real reasons which causes the limitations.
I did send a new client to hear the PL-200 II at an audioshop who work by trial and error. I wanted to make him understand that a PL-200 II is a totally different loudspeaker in their world compared to the Tru-Fi world.
He said the same about the low frequencies as mentioned above. need to understand the loudspeakers first before you can understand which kind of amp, source and cables you should use.
The Platinum serie has by far the best response of the mid en low freq drivers in their price range and even far above. Based on the fact that their material (ceramics with aluminium and carbon fiber) are lighter and they do no use a voice coil like all the other brands. This gives them a lot less compression and a lot more energy even at low volume.
But....due to the acoustics most create limitations regarding the energy of the Platinum loudspeakers. The other limitation is that most amps are not great in delivering enough current.
Becaus in the Tru-Fi world we can proof that we have a superior controlled low freq. range and this with much more layers than with any other brand in this price range and far above it. The other benefit is that the energy is fully free for the loudspeaker. You can feel the energy of the instruments in front of you far away of where the speakers are positioned.
The other thing what is done wrong by many shops and also during reviews is the fact that they do not understand how AMT tweeters works. And how they need ot be used the right way. We have proven that we can create much more details with them compared to other loudspeakers in the same price range.
We will place different reviews of clients soon who will confirm this by comparing their loudspeaker they used before the Platinum loudspeakers. Sound always will tell the truth. Each single person can hear it himself and compare it with his own loudspeakers.
We do audio by shootout so people can compare their trial and error system vs a Tru-Fi system. People will always want theat system that impresses them the most. And what creates the most emotional experience during listening to their own music.
I did send a new client to hear the PL-200 II at an audioshop who work by trial and error. I wanted to make him understand that a PL-200 II is a totally different loudspeaker in their world compared to the Tru-Fi world.
He said the same about the low frequencies as mentioned above. need to understand the loudspeakers first before you can understand which kind of amp, source and cables you should use.
The Platinum serie has by far the best response of the mid en low freq drivers in their price range and even far above. Based on the fact that their material (ceramics with aluminium and carbon fiber) are lighter and they do no use a voice coil like all the other brands. This gives them a lot less compression and a lot more energy even at low volume.
But....due to the acoustics most create limitations regarding the energy of the Platinum loudspeakers. The other limitation is that most amps are not great in delivering enough current.
Becaus in the Tru-Fi world we can proof that we have a superior controlled low freq. range and this with much more layers than with any other brand in this price range and far above it. The other benefit is that the energy is fully free for the loudspeaker. You can feel the energy of the instruments in front of you far away of where the speakers are positioned.
The other thing what is done wrong by many shops and also during reviews is the fact that they do not understand how AMT tweeters works. And how they need ot be used the right way. We have proven that we can create much more details with them compared to other loudspeakers in the same price range.
We will place different reviews of clients soon who will confirm this by comparing their loudspeaker they used before the Platinum loudspeakers. Sound always will tell the truth. Each single person can hear it himself and compare it with his own loudspeakers.
We do audio by shootout so people can compare their trial and error system vs a Tru-Fi system. People will always want theat system that impresses them the most. And what creates the most emotional experience during listening to their own music.