Listening to equipment at home before you buy

This discussion is a recommendation for PS Audio.

I just retired, am new to the audiophile hobby and am enjoying it. (Hobby does have a steep "learning curve.")  I currently have a Jolida JD302CRC tube amp, teac UD-301 dac/preamp and Vandy 2CE sig speakers.  I like my current system but want to try a solid state power amp to compare the sound to the Jolida.

I have been watching the PS Audio videos and decided to do a home trial of the Stellar S300. I tested the amp at home for 30 days and preferred my current amp and returned the S300 to PS Audio. The return of the amp was as advertised, PS Audio paid shipping both ways with my full purchase price refunded.  I highly recommend PS Audio to anyone who wants to test their equipment at home.
I read a lot of positive hype, reviews, etc on the Chane A2.4 speaker. After much deliberation I purchased a pair for 30 day in- home audition. Even after surpassing the recommended 40+ hour break-in, the speaker didn't deliver what I thought it should've. Between shipping to me and my FedEx back I'm out $150. That's something I have to much more strongly consider when getting sucked into Internet Direct hype re speakers and their guru designers or any other product. Ouch!

i did a home demo of Tekton Pendragons and it cost me $295.00 to ship them back. 
You could try a Pass Labs amp. They are excellent in my system. Contact Mark at Reno HiFi. He is very helpful and will arrange an in home demo.
Reno HiFi is a direct factory dealer for Pass Labs. I have done business with them  twice and am very satisfied. They also have a excellent trade
in policy, best I have seen.

I have no connection with Pass Labs or Reno HiFi.