The Bel Canto amp is class D. You may be right about break-in or amp matching as the tube experiment is proving most interesting re: dynamics. Could be the switch to tubes or could be time passing, but dynamics are improving - at this point, I suspect it's the tubes. Before too long I'ff switch back to the TAD ss monos to get a better handle on causality. When I do feel confident about the results I'll start a new thread on Ohm & Tubes.
PS - Regarding imaging, your point about the MBLs going omni full range vs. the Ohm's crossing to directional high frequency drivers (aimed off axis) is well taken. However, the Ohm's directional tweeter only crosses in over 8K (it's really more a supertweeter in that regard) so I'm not sure that vocal images are really being affected significantly. In any event, imaging via my 100s has been great in every respect other than front to back layering.
The Bel Canto amp is class D. You may be right about break-in or amp matching as the tube experiment is proving most interesting re: dynamics. Could be the switch to tubes or could be time passing, but dynamics are improving - at this point, I suspect it's the tubes. Before too long I'ff switch back to the TAD ss monos to get a better handle on causality. When I do feel confident about the results I'll start a new thread on Ohm & Tubes.
PS - Regarding imaging, your point about the MBLs going omni full range vs. the Ohm's crossing to directional high frequency drivers (aimed off axis) is well taken. However, the Ohm's directional tweeter only crosses in over 8K (it's really more a supertweeter in that regard) so I'm not sure that vocal images are really being affected significantly. In any event, imaging via my 100s has been great in every respect other than front to back layering.