Starting to look around for a Hi Rez music server.($2000 or less)
 I'm new to this game and not the best with computers, I have a few questions.
1) All-in-one unit with ripper or rip from PC? ( Only connection to computer is a 50' cat 6 ethernet cable)
2) Will this long cable cause problems with streaming and/or ripping?
3) Is an external hard drive OK for storing music? 
4) Is Tidal the only streaming service that streams in true Hi Rez?
5) Can you download music that is streamed and store it in the streaming unit or external hard drive?
 Interested in the Sony HAPZ1ES. It seems like a pretty solid piece. (Has 1tb of internal storage but would need more eventually - at least 4 to 6 tb)
Also very interested in Roon But not sure how it works or what I need to run that system.
Very open to suggestions for other options.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help😎

They more music out there in old vinyl that is beyond any amount of new vinyl. I have a friend who has thousands of vinyl, yet can find 100 more at a good used record store. For myself I won't buy just to buy, I have really like it, play it not just collecting and they just sit collecting dust. 
You are correct phillyb !But I continue to foolishly do it because just running my finger down the LP rim of music i love is a joy to me after a hard day .
I mostly listen to Classical Music but others love their genre too .

phillyb's post is a model of common sense.  We need more like that in Audio forums.

   There is no reason to adopt streaming just because it's the next big thing.  If your preferred genre is Classical Music, as mine is, you are a lot better off having a well organized CD collection.  Computer Music meta data and streaming services serve Classical Music very poorly.

  I am currently burning my several thousand Classical CDs to a NAS primarily because I may have to vacate my ho9use for smaller premises in the near future due to health problems, and also because even if that doesn't occur, I'd like to prune the collection a bit because I get tired of feeling like I live in a CD warehouse.  I am struggling with finding a good way to organize the cDs that have been digitalized.  It's frequently faster for me to just grab the CD off the shelf than to find it on the NAS.

   In terms of sound quality, I am biased towards having adedicated renderer vs an all purpose PC.  I use Bluesound and Oppos to play the files from the NAS and I think that sounds better than playing them from My MacAir and Audirvana+ as the Media player.  I personally believe that having a bigger power source ion something like an OPPo vs a PC makes a difference, but there is wide disagreement on that topic.  You can achieve good sound either way.

   A word of warning about Roon.  It eats up a lot of computing power and works best on dedicated hardware.  Roon acknowledges his on heir web site and came out with two dedicated Renderers for just that purpose.It also IMO is another program aimed at the Popular and Jazz listeners and doesn't offer anything special to Classical Music listeners

Check this mahler123, I moved after my wife’s death from a 13 room farmhouse to an 850 sq ft Condo.
In moving 5 years ago I cut my heard down to about 500 Lp’s and 500 Cd’sfrom about 5,000 which had been 3,000 after I moved back from Germany where it was 7,000 .I now live with about 2,000 and my 850 Condo IS a CD/LP storehouse .
I guess its better than being addicted to drugs .Maybe .
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