Does hearing the best in high end audio make your opinions more valid?

I say yes. Some say no. What are your thoughts?
You would think so but many factors come into play so probably not a reliable predictor alone.
I agree, it is way too subjective but, given all possible options, I would have to go with the one who seems not to care about anything but the feel. At least she/he would spare me of discussions about bare wires plugged into the outlet, magnetic shields for wooden objects, poetry about electrical appliances, and a batallion of tweaks lurking behind a corner.
Some times I wish I hadn't heard a great sounding system because it makes me a bit too critical listening to other systems, in particular my own.  I will also say if you do enough research there are people making amazing components, speakers, wires, tweaks, etc at reasonable prices (even cheaper buying used) and a bit of DIY you can create a wonderful system easily besting systems at 10 times the price you would of heard at a show.  
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@elizabeth Spraketh thus:

 I agree you CAN make a satisfying system, but you are totally fooling yourself that it is, IN FACT, as good as systems ten times the price.

So we can infer your arguments are:

  • Price always equals performance and quality
  • The market is the ultimate arbiter of quality
I find these do not fit my own experience. In fact, I think that the pride of spending money is it's own biasing influence.  Unlike cars, 
