Morning jafant, all is well in AK and with me, I appreciate your comments as well. I have settled (partially anyway) with FedEx after much prayer and mild threats of taking them to court, in which would have been expensive and possibly fruitless but they will refund me almost half of my loss (Primare CD32). Putting that behind me and moving forward. The Cambridge 752bd is a great step up from the 651 and is a nice improvement in sound and being a universal spinner, fine for now. I’ll be moving (trying to & the 651) that one as well. As for the Primare, wonderful and near incredible sound, and wil miss it. I have. Linn Majik1 coming in and can’t wait to hear it. Plus I ha e a PS Audio 100 coming in, and be good to compare the old with the new. Thanks for your kind comments and wish you the best!