Optimal Volume and Settings for Mytek Brooklyn

Hi all!

I’ve got a Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ driven by a MacBook Pro. When I put the volume above about -3 I get distortion and clipping. Is this expected? I usually leave it around -10. Is there an optimal volume?

also, I know it has filters, but I’m not sure what any of them do or how they are suppose to differ.  Does anyone have preferences on them? At the moment everything is default. Thanks!
Ag insider logo xs@2xmayoradamwest
What are you driving with the Mytek? It may have too much output for the amps. 

Using my ICEpower amps, volume ranges from -55 for TV to -40 for music. If I have a pre-amp I run it full range (-0) and get zero distortion. 

If you want MQA you can't change filters. 

I don't care about MQA so I like to use the fast filter. I think it sounds more open on the top end. 
MacBook Pro running Tidal and Roon, to Rotel RC-1590 preamp to McIntosh MC452. This happens at reasonable volumes on the preamp. 
Ohh, I know. :)

There is a Mytek bug! :)

Sometimes it doesn’t switch sample rates correctly. It’s not related to volume, but changing sources, especially Internet radio. I used to get it often while switching to a Canadian station that played at 96kHz/16. It would sound OK at low volumes, but when you listened carefully you’d hear it. :)

Fix is to switch back to a lower rate, wait a few seconds, and switch back. If you switch to the sample rate screen you'll see it's off what it should be. That's when it distorts. 

