Monitor Audio Pl 300ii vs. KEF Reference 5

I own the KEF Reference 5s.  I borrowed the Monitor Audio Pl300 ii speakers for comparison, which is still under way.  Thoughts so far:  Both are good speakers.  The KEFs provide a lot of detail.  Listening to classical music, you can hear orchestral instruments and sections pretty clearly.  Background and counter melodies can be identified. Piano music is very realistic.  The MAs do not provide as much instrumental detail but they do have a more mellow, deeper, broader sound.  Which is better is really a matter of personal choice.  As I said, I’m still listening so these are some quick preliminary reactions.  More later.  
As someone who owns the MA PL200 IIs, they handle detail well.  The bass is sounds just fine to me (I think I read here that the 200s handle base better than the 300s) and the whole business about being laid back is not, in my humble opinion, true.  This coming from someone who owned a pair of Magico S3s.  Look, the PL line from MA is a well built, well designed,  superior sounding and well reviewed (by professionals and consumers alike).  They get better and better with each upgrade.  They are worth an audition.  I would even go a step father and say you will not be disappointed if you go with the PL 200/300s.  I appreciate the fact that we all have different ears and hear things in our unique way.  While I am happy with the performance of my speakers, another may not care for the sound they produce.  It is the joy and magic of our hobby. 
bo1972 said:
"So again.......just write and explain how you make your decisions by creating your audiosystem. And why you it this way. ........"

Why should he...? You won't. You said you won't give away your knowledge for free, so why should he?
Good speakers can sound drastically different based on the room and components that are connected to them. I keep hearing that Monitor Audio speakers have no detail and/or lack resolution, but I submit they are neutral and really reflect what’s connected to them and the recording. Yes, there are speakers that are more "detailed" and some have a preference for speakers with a lot of detail. I’ve owned Wilson Audio, Aerial, Klipsch, Revel, Artemis, and a couple more speakers. I recently listened to KEF Blades 2s, Magico A3s, Magico S3 IIs, and Paradigm Persona 7Fs. All of the aforementioned speakers sound really good to me, but I wouldn’t sell my Monitor Audio PL500 IIs for them. I've tried to build a system based on my speakers and I know I would have to change components if a purchased one of the others speakers. At this point I'm not willing to change my entire system for new speakers. My PL500 aren’t better, they just present details differently. What bothers me more and more on Audiogon is when individuals disparage manufacturers. I don’t have to prefer speaker or component XYZ, but I shouldn’t disparage the manufacture. Unless you listen to someone’s "system", you have no clue of how it sounds. I’m not here to make anyone like Monitor Audio. I’m simply saying, THERE ARE NO ABSOLUTES IN AUDIO, ONLY PREFERENCES.
I told you how I work, many people who work in audio told me all that they have no real foundation. This also counts for all the peole who has audio as a hobby. It is all being created by gambling.

You want to believe that trial and error is the best way to create your own audiosystem. But the facts proof that trial and error is one big farce. The facts proof that each person will always choose blind that system what creates a higher level in emotion.

No one will choose blind any incomplete system. Our emotion works the same way. We only have different tastes in music. But at the end sound and music still owns it’s properties. And this cannot be changed by any person.

That is why I advice to read about the human emotion. And how music works on our emotion. You will understand and learn it yourself. We are only talking about facts and things that can be explained without any difficulty.

When I would not have listened a lot to real live music in small settings I would never be able to understand how big they are in proportion. And how big the diversity (layering) is in sound.

That is why I will use conservatorium students to play real instruments. So you hear them first in real and after that played by a Tru-Fi system. When you use the same music, it is very easy to understand how big the differences are between an incomplete trial and error system vs a Tru-Fi system who can reveal all the details and layers of the same recording.

Audio is shootout all over the world. You can compare it yourself. And all people will choose that system what can touch their emotion the most. That is why it is interesting for each person to read about the human emotion.

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