Good speakers can sound drastically different based on the room and components that are connected to them. I keep hearing that Monitor Audio speakers have no detail and/or lack resolution, but I submit they are neutral and really reflect what’s connected to them and the recording. Yes, there are speakers that are more "detailed" and some have a preference for speakers with a lot of detail. I’ve owned Wilson Audio, Aerial, Klipsch, Revel, Artemis, and a couple more speakers. I recently listened to KEF Blades 2s, Magico A3s, Magico S3 IIs, and Paradigm Persona 7Fs. All of the aforementioned speakers sound really good to me, but I wouldn’t sell my Monitor Audio PL500 IIs for them. I've tried to build a system based on my speakers and I know I would have to change components if a purchased one of the others speakers. At this point I'm not willing to change my entire system for new speakers. My PL500 aren’t better, they just present details differently. What bothers me more and more on Audiogon is when individuals disparage manufacturers. I don’t have to prefer speaker or component XYZ, but I shouldn’t disparage the manufacture. Unless you listen to someone’s "system", you have no clue of how it sounds. I’m not here to make anyone like Monitor Audio. I’m simply saying, THERE ARE NO ABSOLUTES IN AUDIO, ONLY PREFERENCES.