Aurender N10

I'm considering purchasing a music server.  One of my requirements is that in addition to be easy to use and (preferably) have internal storage, that it sound as least as good as my current transports, PS Audio DMP.  Does the N10 do that?  Is it as good as a very good transport (into PS Audio DSD).
I want the convenience that a server provides but not willing to compromise on sound quality.
Thanks in advance.
Aurender N10 is one of the best streaming server currently available under $10K but it won’t spin CD’s. If spinning CD’s is somewhat your priority then you should explore other options. 

IMHO, if you purchase N10 you won’t be comprising on sound quality as long as your downstream components and speakers are capable of revealing high resolution sound. 

Good luck!
Thanks.  I can burn the CDs.  I listen to downloaded music more than Redbook anyway.  I'm just getting mixed opinions from people on it.  While everyone says it's a very good server, some say it will equal my transport in sound quality, while others say it's convenient but won't be as good as my PS Audio transport.
I own the Aurender N10 Music Server and like it very much.  I usually listen to Tidal Streaming for its outstanding sound quality.  My stored CD albums also sound excellent. 

The Aurender Conductor App is very easy to use.  It is very easy to switch between stored CD’s, Tidal Streaming, Internet radio (listen to the Radio Paradise station at 320kbps) and Qobuz when it becomes available in the USA.  The Conductor App already supports Qobuz when it becomes available in the USA. 

The Aurender N10 also supports MQA coded albums including a MQA search feature.  The App provides various sort options for handling your stored CD’s. 

Aurender Customer Support is excellent.  I have contacted them with requests and also questions on the operation of the Aurender. 

I strongly recommend you audition the N10.  I do not know how it compares to the PS Audio Transport.  I highly recommend the Aurender N10 music server.