Recommendations for a few high SQ classical CDs

I have a modest collection of classical music CDs, most of it symphonic works, maybe 20-30 CDs at most. Most of my musical interest is with rock, roots rock and blues but I do enjoy classical music but have limited knowledge and experience.

I am also a new audiophile with my first hifi system for about a month now.

I would like some specific recommendations on just a few symphonies (for now). What I am looking for at this point is good CD recordings rather than the nature of the performance/conductor/orchestra. In other words, I'm looking for SQ first and performance quality second. I know that might sound backwards but I don't have enough knowledge to have a major preference between performances but I can hear SQ. Certainly a great recording of a great performance is ideal.

To keep things limited I am specifically interested in these works:

Beethoven's 9th
Mahler's 4th
Dvorak's 4th
Brahm's 4th

Certainly open to other symphonies by these composers. I have the works listed above and other symphonies by them as well.

Thanks for any recommendations,


+1 lowrider. Deutche Grammophone  is one of the offenders I was referring to when advising to stay away from the fancy formats. Such great names and lots of techno involved but the result is totally flat.

To bring together a few recommendations - the San Francisco SO does a great Copeland as well, lots of air nice brass and good clean sound with depth.

+1 bdp24 on baroque music. I was a romantic snob but finally came around to the older music and find it totally beguiling. One example - Handels Tamerlane opera. Who knew? Not me until recently.

In addition to all suggestions made so far, you can entertain yourself in near perpetuity perusing Arkiv Music and Presto Classical's websites for further ideas and reviewer recommendations. Any composition you are interested in can be searched by several parameters. I have found many gems searching under the "recommended"heading. 
For two classic performances of the violin concertos:

Heifitz: Beethoven Violin Concerto Munch/BSO, and
            Brahms Violin Concerto Reiner/CSO    RCD1-5402

Subscribe to tidal hifi and compare dozens of performance of the same piece of music to find out what you like. Worked for me and once you identify what you like it gets easier.