Anyone try a SUB THREE from Vandersteen yet?

Looks like finally put it on their site. Anyone order one yet? I would like to get an idea of how much better it is than the 2WQ. I have my eye on a used pair of 2WQs at the moment, but if the THREE is significantly better I may have to save up...

Here is the link to vandersteen:
@gdnrbob yes same M5-hp filters
you want as high quality as possible filter to not get in the way of the music....
@bstatmeister nope have not heard the 2’s. Just went with David at hifi buys suggestion and backed it up with some research into vandy subs. I did listen to the Vandy 7 mk2 with a pair of the sub 9. Very impressive but should be for 80k. Allen (hifi buys owner) spoke to RV and they agreed, said try a pair of sub 3 first the equalizer should do its job. 6 woofers total should work.
I would tend to believe the Sub 3's would be a vast improvement over the 2Wq's.
I have a pair of Sub 3's on order from JohnyR, as the recommendation of this forum.  They should be here soon.  I have not heard the Sub 2wq, so unable to compare.  My main speakers are Apogee Scintilla One Ohm ribbons, so I will get a good indication of how well the Sub 3's integrate.  Auditioned the Sub 3's in Verona and made the decision to go ahead.  Also getting the best xovers RV has.  I really liked the way he does this and the eq.  

I understand this is an old thread, but it is right in the middle of what I am considering.

I have an old Vandersteen 2W (over 25 years in my system) with a pair of Acoustat 1+1's.  I replaced my NAD 7600 with a Nakamichi PA 7Aii power amp and an NAD C165BEE pre-amp.  The bass disappeared.  Had to do with the capacitance of the amps.  

I just completed an A/B comparison of my 2W with the Sub 3 at my primary audio dealer.  I thought the 2W was a goner, but with a 2WX test crossover it is fine.  Comparing the 2W with the Sub 3 (both matched with the Vandersteen Treo's) was enlightening.  I really liked the Sub 3, but I was not blown away by it.  We used the high end crossover system Vandersteen promotes so it was apples to apples.  

While I was not blown away with the Sub 3 I am considering upgrading to it.  The room was fuller (same gain as measured by my personal SPL meter) with it and the analog EQ easily corrected for room frequency nodes.  However, if I do upgrade I will probably stick with the X2 crossovers rather the M5 or M7 crossover (essentially doubles the cost or more of the Sub 3).  I am concerned the performance will slip with the X2's. 

I am also considering a pair of Rythmik F12SE or the REL T/9x.  I would pair either set with an SPL analog Crossover (from Germany).

Looking for thoughts, observations, or just "are you insane" comments.
