Another Speaker Recommendation Request

Greetings Goners,
Just retired and have my new dedicated listening room. Bonus room above garage; 15' wide, 24' deep, 8' ceiling, drywall and carpeted. No WAF to consider. I am all digital with PS Audio kit: BHK stereo 250 amp, BHK pre-amp, Direct Stream DAC and Direct Stream Media Player. Also have Cambridge Audio CXN for streaming and NAS.
Current speakers are Wharfedale Jade 3 stand mounts with HSU subwoofer. Worked well in the previous home, but looking to upgrade. I don't need concert hall performance. I will crank it up on occasion, but mostly solo mid and low level listening. Would like full range floor standers and possibly loss the subwoofer.
Most important attributes for me would be non-fatiguing and imaging. Looking in the $10k range and prefer new vs used. Have considered Spendor D7, PSB Imagine T3 and Focal Electra 1028BE. And shops to demo in Tampa St. Pete area would be appreciated. Thanks!
Non-fatiguing with excellent imaging?  I would audition Magnaplanars and Harbeths.  They are different, but I suspect (if you are of a certain maturity, and can live with sensible bass levels) you might find them highly satisfying.  Pipe and slippers?  Maybe.  Engaging and musical?  Yes!

Of course, if you are the sentimental type, you may consider finding a pair of old Klipsch Corner Horns or Altec Lansing VOTT a7s.  You won't need all that juice, but you will seriously rock-out in your new man cave!

If you’re in the Tampa Bay area, check out the Suncoast Audiophile Society, where you can hear various member systems, and pick our brains for speaker recommendations.

Also, some club members are organizing the first annual Florida Audio Expo, which is slated for Feb 2019 (if you don’t mind waiting a few months to be able to audition tons more gear).
You have so many good possible choices non fatiguing is a measure of all of your components, cabling, source components, room acoustics, musical selection working together.

You need to determine a number of things:

1: How loud do you play
2: How much bass is satisfactory
3: Are the speakers visual looks important

Your room is a good size so bass response should be important.

A planer will not give particularly good bass response and ar very room dominating. 

Legacy makes the Focus which is one of the most musical loudspeakers at the $10k price point, they have very deep bass and can fill up a room with ease, their Heil AMT midrange and tweeter offer fantastic detail yet are very smooth. a great speaker and a great value.

You should check out all the major players at this price point which includes the Magico A3, the Focal Sopra 2 which is a bit more, and the Legacy Focus. Dynaudio speakers also tend to be warm so are the Vandys. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
You really need to check out the Zu Druid Mk VI.  I have a good friend who just got his and they are absolutely amazing.  The great thing about their speakers is that they are super high efficiency and you can run them with almost any amp.  It also opens up the ability to run SET tube amps that are much more musical than most solid state options in my opinion.  Skip the BS that shops try to sell you at huge mark ups and get your money's worth.  you won't be sorry!  
If you prefer warm sounding speakers why don't you move up the Wharfedale line? Wharfedale is known for their warm delicate tonal character. Or for your price range of $10k/pair I recommend the Sonus Faber Olympica 2 or 3, Vienna Acoustics Bach or Mozart Grand, Vandersteen, Dynaudio, ProAc, Harbeth, PSB, PMC, Spendor that was already recommend earlier. These speakers are on the warm side of neutral totally.