your reference dvd

so lets say you've got friends coming over that have never experienced a great home theater, which dvd do you reach for?
Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings disk two as they enter the Mines of Moria through the battle with the Balrog
Colors and near three dimensional quality of the image in 'The Phantom Of The Opera' is stunning.
How about "Fast and the Furious (#4)" when it comes out in a couple of months???

From what I saw in the preview on TV, there is going to be a lot of surreal action in THAT movie. And the soundtrack should be pheonominal (spelling??).



I WILL be going the Blu-Ray route definitely. The player in question is not going to be a Sony PS-3 as originally stated in my last post. It will be a Pioneer BDP-51FD instead (a GREAT player for the money...... High Quality Blu-Ray Picture, Build Quality and Wolfson DAC's for sound quality..... what's NOT to like about this player).

Lindsey Buckingham Live at Bass Hall on DVD
James Bond in Goldeneye has a great opening scene if you have a very large screen.
Sort of depends on what you want to demonstrate right? For me to show all around sound and its emotional impact I 2nd The Dark Knight. To scare folks with my sub Nothing beats the last hour of the Matrix-Revelations (aka Matrix 3)