Hi Inna
I absolutely do not fit in here and honestly am not trying to. When I come to HEA sites there is something that happens that you can't see from these pages, hundreds of emails, PMs and calls. I'm here for the onlookers and those who have been RoomTune and MGA clients in the past wanting to hook up again after years of me being away from the mainstream.
What you see me talking about comes from the members who contact me directly, most of them disappointed in these types of forums even though they would love to be apart. When I first showed up a couple, maybe few, months ago I started receiving maybe 5 emails a week which quickly grew to over 50. You'll notice that I left for a while. Now I'm back for 1 or 2 days and then I'll be gone again.
If I'm going to hang out somewhere on a long term scale it won't be here. It was important for me to spend time on the Stereophile forum (got very weird there) then on this forum and a few others mostly audiophile, music and pro.
Good Tuner? LOL. Inna the people who know I tune don't hang out here. Audiogon and forums like it basically run in cycles. That's not my crowd. I was going to do a thread that I did start here on tuning but after seeing the amount of trolling it would be a waste of my time. I realize that as well do the members who have made contact with me. In other words I don't see folks who post here as people to convert to something that has already been growing on it's own with just a few appearances here from me. Believe it or not the trolling of me has been a great success as far as converting and listeners beginning or continuing to tune. So my friend I might be amateur, but the tide is turning more than you think. I'm good with that.
I learned a big lesson while at Stereophile and that is mingling with those who live on these forums is not my gig, nor should it be my goal. Inna, I tune all day long that's what I do and is what I have always done. Peddling my worth here is nothing more than saying hello to those looking to tune. Of course I don't fit in here, but it's a great place to meet folks who are fed up with the way HEA has turned out. Again not on these pages but those looking from a distance.
I hope that doesn't disappoint, just being honest as I always will be.
Michael Green