The 'tube-transistor' enigma by MC carts?

By accident I got to know an guy from Swizerland who has
worked for years as technician (R&D,testing,manuf.etc) by
Benz. I made some joke about 'Zelle',the expresion he used
to refer to carts,by asking if the carts are made by
prisoners? ('zelle' is 'the box' in the prison) He appreciated my joke and explaned to me in 2 sentences
something I never thought about. There are 2 kinds of
'bobins': iron and the other kind. The 'classical example'
of 'iron' is the Ortofon SPU. The advantage: stronger signal and some kind of 'pleasing warm sound.the disadvantage:(more)distortion.
The 'ruby-cross' bobin has (much?) less distortion but can
sound 'thin' depending on the rest of 'the chain'.
This is obviously the so-called 'Holistic' approach ;
aka Rauls 'it depends...'. Me? Because I can't cope with
more then 2 variables at the same time I am for 'simplicity' approch. The best 'definition' of this
approch is from O.Wilde:'I have the simplest tastes. I am
alwys satisfid with the best'. So I am still seaching.
Raul will you please bring (more) light to this issue?

it’s nice to run into somebody with an FRMC201. I have had one for a while when I picked it up on a curiosity. I absolutely love it.
Likewise, Analogluvr. I got my first 201 at an "Audio Swap Meet" near Los Angeles in the mid-90s. I knew nothing about it and only went out of curiosity and proximity. Turned out to be a famous event, not just to buy or sell, but to network with audiophiles worldwide. I met dealers from Japan, Korea, Russia, UK, Germany, Italy etc. They not only paid airfares and hotels to be there, but shipped lots of amazing gear halfway round the world. for a one-day event. Everywhere I looked there was something I wanted. Then Ebay arrived, and the swap meets ended. End of an era — when ’progress’ means an end to all human contact, I question the word...

That 201 was used but quite good condition. and sold for next to nothing. A year later I got one NOS NIB at an even lower price, one of those rare unbelievable scores. I still have it, unused, for future use. It’s not the ’greatest’ MC by any means, but has a wonderfully holistic way with music; a Fidelity Research hallmark I believe, judging from other FR models I’ve had.

Dear chakster, ''Great device to avoid SUT'' is obviously meant

to ''belittle'' your Slavic brother. But if I am well informed you just

bought some cheap Italian phono-pre dismissing this way your

technical praise about ZYX CPP-1. The other possible reason is

 your  effort  to sell this ZYX to me. I am sorry but I am happy

with my Basis Exclusive as well with my Klyne 7PX 3.5 + Denon


No, ZYX CPP-1 is a keeper, i like it a lot with some of the MC cartridges, particulary with my Klipsch MCZ. I thought someone can comment about ZYX unique input resistors made of a cartridge coil wire. It's a know how. I think it's a compliment to a LOMC cartridge to amplify signal like that. It's like external cartridge coil with more wire not inside the cartridge, but outside the cartridge in a separate box.  

@bimasta, Your prose reads like a poem.  I was really

moved by your loyalty to FR-201.  I have similar feeling for


@nandric — A poem? From a mutli-leveled literary stylist like you, that’s high praise!
@analogluvr — One brief vignette how cool that meet was. I approached a table laden with goodies. I saw a clear plastic bag stuffed with, bursting with, cartridge-mounting nuts, bolts, washers, gold cartridge clips, 1000s of them, for $3. My hand was an inch away from it when my eye caught something less than a foot away — still-sealed new Shure V15 IV-MR for $40. "You're Next!" I thought as I turned back to the $3 bag – but someone was buying it. Too late! I reached for the Shure and someone was buying it too. Damn! "But I saw it first!" didn’t work there, I didn’t bother trying. Two great things lost in half a second. Never again! I moved to the next table ready to pounce...