NOS Grace F9E question

A friend of mine gave me a Grace F9E to try on my 1200G.  He thinks it may be a good fit.  It appears to be brand new and never used.  It has a plastic protector that covers practically the entire cartridge.  I cannot get it off as it is on there very tight.  Is there any special way to get it of and not damage the cartridge?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
@lewm my grace titanium stylus replacement is still sealed, never tried.

Victor X-1IIe with titanium cantilever and elliptical stylus is superb MM cartridge, only one step behind the X-1II with beryllium/shibata

In my opinion Victor X-1IIe is much better than Grace F9e
@lewm oops, i meant Grace Ceramic cantilever in my previous post, not Titanium
anyone know the voltage output of the Grace carts? I'm having a hard time finding that info.  thanks in advance. 
@jollytinker which model ? Normally from 3 mV to 5 mV (depends on the model) 

Dear chakster, I own both; JVC-X1, mk1 as well mk2 . Both

have solid beryllium cantilever + shibata stylus. If titanium

cantilevers are available  than as separate styli. There are also

aluminum kinds available for both X-1,mk 1 and mk 2.