The most fun you can have in audio is DIYing your own speakers

You don't have to make the best speakers on earth, or most expensive, and you don't have to become an expert in the tech, but in all my years in audio, I have to say DIY is the most fun and educational. For me, speaker building was a lot more fun than electronics (amps, pre's etc.) 

Lots of great sources for complete kits as well as paper-only designs. Speaker building is also a great thing to do with your kids. I highly recommend it.


10x is very off. Pricing for retail goes more like this manufacturer gets 30-40% over total costs retailer sells for about 33% over what he paid manufacturer. Still some like magico are pricing at what the market will bare.But on average if it costs manufacturer a $1000 they will sell to retailers for about 1300-1400 retail would be about $1800-2k. This cost structure is fairly standard.
I have reached about 40 hrs on the Klang & Ton Madisound kit - The Lee Taylor cabinets are works of art with the Koa wood veneer . The sound is the best I have heard in my room . These replaced a pair of Ohm Walsh 2000s . The price to performance ratio is a good reason to take the DIY plunge .
@johnk -

I don’t see where we are off except in one thing: I’m talking about the cost for the _drivers_ alone (woofer + tweeter, etc) vs. final retail pricing for the entire _speaker_ (drivers, cabinet, crossover).

Your math goes down the same places I went and then stopped at speaker manufacturing. If you went a little further you would get to where I went to.


Agreed with OP. I once did it. It was fun and I could learn a lot in the process. Here is my DIY speakers, except for the cabinets which were old speakers.

I was happy with my DIY speakers, so I wanted to build a really nice pair. But after sometimes considering my wood work skills and the fund that was needed to get the tools, I had to give up.

Since seeing this post and suggestions on the cabinet makers, I start thinking again about making a pair. It should be fun.
Troels Gravesens website went to the favorites list, very good thread here, knowledgeable, experienced posters.

Between this and the Pro-Amp thread I’m researching useful info.