Thiel CS2.4 to what?

I'm getting the itch to upgrade my speakers (Thiel CS2.4). Nothing really wrong with them, they image like crazy, is like a clear window into the music, but I sometimes feel they are a bit too "reserved" and missing the joie de vivre. Looking for something that instills more life.

Rest of the system is PS Audio DirectStream Dac driving a pair of Bel Canto Ref500M. Front end includes a PS Audio PerfectStream Transport, a Auralic Aries streamer, Clearaudio turntable with PS Audio NuWave phono. All cables are Cardas.

My room is a semi-dedicated room (sharing it with my office, which is in an alcove off the listening room). I do have a sloped ceiling on the front wall (it's a finished attic), about 16' wide and 14' deep. Some acoustic panels to tame reflections.

Budget would be in the range of $4-6000 above what I can get for the Thiels (thinking about $2k as they are in awesome condition and has the upgraded maple finish). Basically, what would you recommend that is similar to the Thiel, but has more dynamics and a bit less sterile.
Keep the Thiels, Jim T and Richard V should have been brothers...few design principles they did not share...

consider adding a Vandersteen 3 sub which will not honk up your great time and phase correct Jim T design...

the suggestions for 5,5a thru Quattro all valid as well

no connection to seller but there is a set of 5 on auction now...

Since you like a lot of what your speakers are doing and given what you're looking for, I also think subs are well worth exploring.  Two subs is better than one, but two high-end subs new would cost about as much or more than your Thiels, which seems kinda silly to me.  Buying a couple used Vandersteen 2Wq subs might be a good idea since Vandy just came out with a new sub so there may be a good supply of the older model soon.  But another way to go would be to get a couple SB2000 subs from SVS.  They offer a totally risk-free, 45-day trial so you can see if the subs do what you're looking for.  They're only about $1400 for a pair, and they'll get you down to 19Hz.  If they work I'd invest $600 in a used DSpeaker anti-mode dual core processor to help really dial them in.  Anyway, best of luck in whatever you decide. 
I have to agree with soix on just about everything.  Here is where I differ:

1)  I believe the DSP-8033 would be more appropriate and less expensive.  

2)  I would skip the SVS subs.  A pair of Rythmik F12-300 subs can be had for the same price an are much more of a "tight" music sub.  Alternatively, a pair of HSU ULS-15s (Dual Drive) is the same price.  The regular Rythmik F12 is as good as any sub out there, at $1000 per sub.    The 2wq would be great, and as you note, they may start popping up left and right on the used market soon.  

3)  I would go and re-evaluate the room treatments and see if their placement and or additional would help.  

Guess this thread is taking a turn... With moving the speakers further out (further than I have ever had them in my 6 years of ownership), they do sound quite a bit better. There's no doubt I will need to add a subwoofer though. I have an older Epik Legend that I added in the chain and it's ok, but I can hear it once in a while, basically doesn't blend perfectly.

So for subwoofers, JL Audio (used), Rythmik (used or new) or other brand?
I think JL Audio, while good, is expensive for what you get.  If possible, two small subs are better than one large for your use, as it will help to minimize room modes.  There is a great deal of information available about the benefit of multiple subs, as well optimizing setup.  

Depending on your ability to place subwoofers, the Audio Kenesis Swarm may be a good option and in your price range.