Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.

Good signs indeed!

"So, two discs, the same signal chain, and two very different results. I suppose that this is what is meant by good systems providing garbage-in, garbage-out."

No doubt the OHMs will not dress up bad recordings, but I do find they can most always deliver whatever there might be to enjoy in most any recording.
Bondman- Any thoughts of running full-range into the Ohm's? In my (limited) experience it can aid in breaking them in and deciding at what frequency to cross-over the sub at. The Ohm's I have (MWT's) handle bass better than any speaker I've had above 40 hz.

Let's suppose, theoretically, that a guy with a birthday coming up in a few months, who owned Ohm Walsh 100 s-3's, was toying with the idea of getting a higher powered integrated amp for his speakers. This guy currently has a Unison Unico, which is a tube-SS hybrid that puts out 80 watts/channel into 8 ohms. It plays plenty loud in this guy's small-ish room, but he's curious about what more power "breathing room" would do for the Ohms.

What would you suggest as a move up? Or should he just stay put?
Parasound - Your idea is actually a very good one. First, I agree, it should aid in the burn-in process. Second, my comments would be more relevent if I listen to them full-range. That said, you've got to hear the Vandersteen 2Wq to understand how well they work. Completely different presentation from your typical home theater burp-box, and very easy to blend with one's main speakers.

Rebbi - I would certainly try some out to see if an upgrade is worthwhile. What kind of budget are looking at? Does your Unico have pre-outs? If so, you might consider a separate power amp, especially if you like the Unico's character.
Rebbi - I'm just throwing out ideas, others here might have better recommendations, but 3 things you could try:

1.An NAD - C -375BEE - (150W)
2.Switch to seperates - Maybe something like Audio by VanAlstine - you can put together a tube pre with a solid state amp.
3.Send your integated to Underwood hifi: http://www.underwoodhifi.com/mod_unison.html