REbbi, Nice move! I am very confident you will hear a difference.
3X power increase to hear a real difference based on power alne sounds about right.
My old Carver m4.0t amp that preceeded the MF A3CR was over 300 watts, about 3X that of the A3CR I replaced it with, but nt high current. It could shake the rafters at higher volumes, but was thin sounding at lower volumes. The A3CR cannot shake rafters at any volume, but sounds very solid at all volumes.
If you report back on the Bel CAnto positively, I may finally no longer be able to resist the urge to move back up to not just a more powerful but also juicier amp, Bel Canto or Wyred Class Ds, or bigger MF perhaps. I really do like the sound of the A3CR in my current is hard to fault. More of the same would be just fine with me. Bryston is another possibility. The McCormack that Foster is using now is very appealing also but would cost a nice premium over the Class Ds I think.
3X power increase to hear a real difference based on power alne sounds about right.
My old Carver m4.0t amp that preceeded the MF A3CR was over 300 watts, about 3X that of the A3CR I replaced it with, but nt high current. It could shake the rafters at higher volumes, but was thin sounding at lower volumes. The A3CR cannot shake rafters at any volume, but sounds very solid at all volumes.
If you report back on the Bel CAnto positively, I may finally no longer be able to resist the urge to move back up to not just a more powerful but also juicier amp, Bel Canto or Wyred Class Ds, or bigger MF perhaps. I really do like the sound of the A3CR in my current is hard to fault. More of the same would be just fine with me. Bryston is another possibility. The McCormack that Foster is using now is very appealing also but would cost a nice premium over the Class Ds I think.