Recommendations for CD Player/DAC Combo

I was slightly surprised that there isn't a very large selection of CD player/DAC combos out there.  Yamaha, Marantz, Musical Fidelity, and a few others make them, but not many other companies.  It seems like building a cd player into a DAC makes a lot of sense, like an integrated amp.  Can anyone recommend one these?  My budget would $3000 tops.  Thanks, J
When you say "spinners", are you just saying CD Transport?  Sorry, that's probably a dumb question. 

I guess all I saw were the advantages of the one unit CD/DAC, but I really hadn't considered all the other advantages of having "separates".  There's a lot to consider now that whole transport thing might be the best.    

spinner could mean CD transport, or refer to a full CD Player.  It’s to distinguish from Computer Audio, although technically, some types of Hard Drives actually spin as well...
  More importantly, if you go the separate route, you will have a lot more options than sticking with a CD player availability .  And you will gain flexibility, because DACs can be used with other sources as Computers and potentially as streamers as well.
for most listening I use my main transport and DAC, but occasionally like to run my inexpensive changer through my DAC for extended casual listening...
@tyan42-- interesting perspective from today's vantage point, you said "It seems like building a cd player into a DAC makes a lot of sense, like an integrated amp...."
When the consumer products first hit the market, they were integrated. Today, it's like asking for " undecaffeinated" coffee. 
For what it's worth, after many years of this hobby, i am only now taking digital into my main system. Using a modest DAC, the Border Patrol, i first used an Oppo universal player as a transport, while awaiting a Redbook CD transport. The Redbook transport (the current, entry level CEC) sounds better. Not to diss Oppo- great product for the money. 

I have a ModWright OPPO 205 with the best tubes available, 1960's Philips Miniwatt D-getter, RCA rectifier with silver getter, and while this system is excellent nothing can really equal vinyl on a really good system. 

However if you can find a used OPPO ModWright with the right tubes
you will be well served.