Thiel CS2.4 to what?

I'm getting the itch to upgrade my speakers (Thiel CS2.4). Nothing really wrong with them, they image like crazy, is like a clear window into the music, but I sometimes feel they are a bit too "reserved" and missing the joie de vivre. Looking for something that instills more life.

Rest of the system is PS Audio DirectStream Dac driving a pair of Bel Canto Ref500M. Front end includes a PS Audio PerfectStream Transport, a Auralic Aries streamer, Clearaudio turntable with PS Audio NuWave phono. All cables are Cardas.

My room is a semi-dedicated room (sharing it with my office, which is in an alcove off the listening room). I do have a sloped ceiling on the front wall (it's a finished attic), about 16' wide and 14' deep. Some acoustic panels to tame reflections.

Budget would be in the range of $4-6000 above what I can get for the Thiels (thinking about $2k as they are in awesome condition and has the upgraded maple finish). Basically, what would you recommend that is similar to the Thiel, but has more dynamics and a bit less sterile.
There is a Thiel Smartsub SS3 for sale on this site.  Can’t believe you would find anything better to get the CS2.4 rocking
@frozentundra, I've used ML331's, Krell KAV250's and a few other amps in years past and the Bel Canto did something special that the others simply couldn't, put the musicians right in the room with me. I'm not convinced it's the amp that's the issue (although I'm going to borrow a few from friends and test the theory).

The PS DirectStream DAC is very neutral and if anything tips towards the warmer side. I'm also using it to direct the amps directly (no preamp).

The thing is that I had exactly the same system setup in our old home and the synergy was most definitely there. A different room means that it gets loaded slightly differently (and I am working with adding and subtracting as well as moving acoustic panels and diffusers to tame the room).

Moving the Thiel's out further in the room really made a big difference, but the bass is MIA.
@sandydennis11, The SS3 would be awesome, but you need the external crossover for it. Finding a PX02 set up for the 2.4's is darn near impossible. Otherwise, I agree, that sub would be close to idea.

I noticed the Krell amp
They are noted for bass!

I also used Dirac Live for sub integrate
It worked like a charm for sub integration, if you are still light on oomph.
you can play with all the settings and it’s very impressive to tailor the bass
You can try for 30 days as trial with Amarra!

As for your DirectStream, I hear nothing but good & was looking to try 

I found an added Tube with CJ pre really toned down poor recording shrillness

Extra room bounce can & does add to high end nasties.
Moving Speakers should help Or room adjustments like you are doing for bass & soundstage ( further in room less bass is what I found)

Thiel s and good sub ( or room dsp) should make a good difference & should integrate well

ps: I just upgraded to a Revel Ultima2 Studio ( extra woofer drivers recalled helped low end)
I do not think there is substitute for more surface area of drivers to low end 

Audiojan, There is a S1 integrator on eBay. That should work the same as a PX02. Funny, my PX05 is set for the 2.4 as 2 of the channels. My PX05 is set for the CS3.7’s which are my fronts.