Congrats, Mamboni! Enjoy the 5000 drivers.
Frazeurl: FWIW, one of the reasons I went with the Ohm Walsh speakers is that the entire Walsh series is designed to have very similar sound, just scaled for different cubic-footage listening rooms. Of course, I would expect peak output level and bass extension to increase with size, but otherwise, the entire X000 series is supposed to be pretty similar.
I have a question for Ohm Walsh owners: I am going to write John about this, but lately (about 2.5 months into 4 month trial period), I am noticing a bid of forwardness in the low-to-mid midrange, I would guess about 300-400Hz. It shows up on many, but not all, recordings. It is especially noticeable on piano and horn content. Some notes in this range project out in amplitude above the rest, sounding forced, strained, and a bit distorted. Is this another temporary break-in stage? My 2000s have seasoned dramatically over the 2.5 months I have had them. Some treble sharpness and upper-mid glare have smoothed out very nicely, and macro-dynamic range has improved a bit, too. However, I am still hoping the dynamic punch will get better still. But this issue in the lower-mids is quite disturbing, lending the 2000s a forced sound that is not very natural. My big fear is that it is cabinet-related - a resonance issue. However, I don't recall this being a problem until the last week or two, so that implies it is a break-in issue. As long as it is temporary, like the upper-mid sharpness that came and went in a couple of weeks, I should be okay with the 2000s. This issue is unfortunate, as in other aspects, these speakers are incredible.
I appreciate any thoughts you guys might have.