Looking for ideas - new mono blocks for stereo music


I am on a bit of a mission to upgrade my equipment and just recently purchased the Esoteric K-01X SACD player.
In my case, the primary focus for critical listening is stereo music (aka red book CD) from the Esoteric.
My current chain is from the Esoteric through the Marantz 8802A into the Bryston 7B-SST2 powering a pair of JBL 1400 Array speakers.
I am very happy with the JBLs and just upgraded to the K-01X (had the X-03SE before).

Right now I would like to hear some suggestions for new mono blocks. I am already planning on adding the Esoteric C-03X(s) to the system to replace the Marantz as (stereo) pre-amp.

The primary focus is detail and resolution as I really love hearing new aspects of CDs that previous equipment couldn't reveal.
Soundstage and instrument placement are also high on the list. Bass slam / impact is not really a priority since I am stuck in an apartment for the time being.
Another factor is heat - I am looking for an amp, not a space heater. Especially considering the already hot summers in Toronto!
The price ceiling for me is somewhere around $20,000/pair

My current short list consists of:
Pass Labs
Mark Levinson

Now it's time for the brainpool (that's you guys!) to have at it :)

Thanks in advance!

That Marantz 8802 is nice, but it definitely masks detail and resolution.  It's great that you are planning to upgrade to the Esoteric pre.  The Bryston SST2 will likely be too dry and forward at this point (bordering on possibly too harsh, depending on system synergy).

It sounds like you are going from a warm/dry sound to a more transparent/sweet sound by transitioning to the Esoteric preamp.  Do you want to follow this route with the amp choice?

Have you thought about listening to the new Bryston 7b3 series?  From what I can gather from tiny bit of listening and discussions is that the new Bryston cubed amps are much sweeter sounding than the previous generations.

Pass Labs is probably the most neutral FET based amp.  It does still have some warmth, so it will not be "sweet" like the Bryston cubed or even something like a Krell.  The normal Pass Labs "X" amps are more detailed.  The pure Class A "XA" models are even warmer sounding.

Levinson amps are very unique.  I would highly recommend listening to one as they definitely have a unique midrange, but I think soundstage is rather narrow and compressed.  You really need to hear it to decide.  Not everyone likes the Levinson sound.

If you are after detail and transparency, maybe you should avoid the pure Class A amps for now.  The Class A will have more warmth, thickness and fullness of sound, but not as much detail, resolution and attack.

The primary focus is detail and resolution as I really love hearing new aspects of CDs that previous equipment couldn’t reveal.
Soundstage and instrument placement are also high on the list. Bass slam / impact is not really a priority since I am stuck in an apartment for the time being.
The new stereo Parasound Halo JC5 would have it all, it’s said to have been bought out for those who didn’t want to go to the 2 box JC1 Halo monoblocks. Still designed by one of the best John Curl up there with Nelson Pass. And won’t put too much of a hole in your pocket.


Cheers George
You should hear LinnenberG Liszt, and maybe Narga. Not sure if Narga Classic monos would be in your budget, but the LinnenberG Liszt fits.
Not even a day in and already got some great feedback - thank you to everyone who took the time to post a reply.

I'll be able to listen to the Bryston 7B3 as well as the Pass Labs here in Toronto.
I already had a chance to audition the Grandinote Silva (single box 'dual mono' design) and was quite impressed with how the sound filled the room and was not tied to the speaker cabinets. Definitely had a lot of bottom end and punch. Hard to tell about resolution and detail as I could at the time only demo it with different speakers and unknown music.

Let me dig into which of the more exotic brands that were mentioned I will be able to listen to locally.
Are you leaning more towards SS or tube? For tubes I like Audio Research, Lamm, VAC, BAT. PS Audio BHK monoblock amps are excellent too.

For SS, give a listen to the Vitus Audio, either their Signature series or their Reference series, and some Tidal and Soulution stuff if you have access to them. They are phenomenal.
The Parasound Halo JC1 or the new JC5 are bargain considering their performances and are highly recommended. The recently discontinued Classe Delta CAM-600 class AB monoblock amps are also spectacular and can be had at discounts nowadays. Some higher end Naim amps are very musical and has very good rhythmic drive and are special.