BTW, Bond, I don't listen to classical music all that much and even less opera. I know you are having some difficulties getting piano to sound right. While many acknowledge, arguable, that piano, is the hardest instrument to get right, in my view, if a speaker doesn't do voices well, then I don't think it is going to get much else right either.
Having said that, why don't you throw some flute, oboe, cello, and violin into the mix? Add to that mix, besides some male and female vocals, dance, and some country --both acoustic and amplified?
WRT to classical and opera, borrow or download 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky and Wagner's Gotterdammerung. All that should really show what your Ohms are made of.
Good luck.
PS. I am glad someone finally brought room acoustics to your attention. Not wanting to beat a dead horse deader, before changing out to many pieces of electronics and trying all sorts of other tweaks, including cables, etc, treat your room first. No matter what speaker you end up with, you'll be rewarded in the long run with a room that has some of its own problems taken care of.