If not an Oppo 205 then what?

So I was going to purchase the Oppo 205 but now that Oppo will no longer produce it people seemed to have bought them up all up and are now trying to sell them for 2 or 3 times the original $1200 price. 

If I wanted to go with another brand what would you recommend? I want the unit to have Dolby Vision, HDMI 2.2, 4K, etc.

Does anyone else have their name on the Oppo 205 list for future purchase?  I still get info from them that late Sept. they’ll have some for delivery.  I bought my 203 direct from their Menlo Park office last year.  Seems they have a client list.
Thousands of People are on the OPPO List. You have no chance in hell if you "applied" after May to get one. This has been confirmed by OPPO itself to others that have directly inquired about their orders. Go ask OPPO and they will tell you if your SOL.
... Electrocampianet ..

Oppo, a Chinese Co with a pic of the Golden Gate Bridge on their front page ... I don’t get it. And now stopping all production out of the blue.  