Thanks for sharing your info.
For me, well, I finally got the urge to spring for the bigger amp. The Bel Canto Ref1000mkiis should arrive in a day or two. That will be fun!
It was between the Wyreds and the Bels, and I decided to go for broke with the Bels despite the significant cost difference and hopefully put my upgrade urges to rest for a while. Yeah, we'll see about that!
I'll post back as soon as I have something to report.
Thanks for sharing your info.
For me, well, I finally got the urge to spring for the bigger amp. The Bel Canto Ref1000mkiis should arrive in a day or two. That will be fun!
It was between the Wyreds and the Bels, and I decided to go for broke with the Bels despite the significant cost difference and hopefully put my upgrade urges to rest for a while. Yeah, we'll see about that!
I'll post back as soon as I have something to report.