Joe, when I had the OW2/2000's for test, I can remember many times that they would surprise me. If everything is set up properly, I am always amazed at how they sound even when listening from very unconventional hi-fi positions, off axis, walking around the room etc. I have been so used to sitting more head-in-vise with my Magnepans, and with the Ohm's, I don't worry over it so much, it just doesn't seem to matter.
One Sunday morning I was sitting a good bit back from the speakers, even outside of the left-hand speaker. I was listening to a morning show called OverEasy, usually good acoustical stuff. Neil Young's Harvest Moon was playing and I had been reading and I just dropped the book in my lap and sat there just totally transfixed on just the music. It just sounded so real, lifelike. And I can't say that I am especially a big Neal Young fan overall! Yet sitting in that position, I still had it all there, great soundstage, and just a wonderful musical event.
I sometimes find it difficult to put into words just what these speakers do. It isn't like they force me to listen, or that they draw me into the performance really, they just are very natural performers and make great music! It is so easy to listen to music through these transducers, other speakers soemtimes can be hard to really listen to or I seem to be listening too hard that it is almost work! Not with these.
I think John has done a super job of voicing these, very incredible really. Any good live recording especially is pretty amazing. I am so looking forward to getting my 3000's going. It has been a long road getting here, but one I think will be special for a long time-that is until I can maybe afford 5000's! I am glad to hear that so many of you guys have enjoyed them as much as I did years ago, and soon will again. By the way, I would put in a plug for the Super 2000 upgrade, that is a great cost-effective upgrade if anybody already owns OW2 cabinets with original drivers. And if you don't, John can get you fixed up, especially if like myself, tend to like the older style cabinets. Enjoy the music! Tim