Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
"So, yes, reading about the placement tweaks had me a bit nervous."

More than any other speaker I have heard or owned, the Micro Walsh Talls have been a joy and a pleasure to work with. They sound great almost anywhwere and everywhere, and at the same time respond to optimal placement with a sonic reward I didn't expect.

I have mine about 1 ft from the rear wall and 5ft 6 inches apart for casual listening and movies. I move them out about 3 ft for 'power listening.

The most interesting thing I've done so far is to move them all the way in the middle of the room, while friends sat around them in a circle. Everyone was blown away by what they heard at the sides and at the rear of the speakers.
"he most interesting thing I've done so far is to move them all the way in the middle of the room, while friends sat around them in a circle."

That's cool! Gotta try that sometime.

I ran my original Walsh 2s outside on a farmhouse porch fully cranked once years ago for an outdoor college party (off an 80w/ch Tandberg receiver). That was something to hear! It was like a music festival with the porch as the stage! One of my all time great home audio memories!

Ron- the whole reason I went with the Ohm's initially was placement. I HATE the idea of being stuck in 1 'sweet spot' to listening to quality music. I did a years' worth of research before I bought them.

there were lots of other speakers that I loved, especially the Sunfire CRM-2's, that I had to cross off my list because of placement issues.

All I can say is that the Micro Walsh Talls delivered everything I could ask for as far as ease of placement, with enough flexibility to tweak if I want to...
I haven't tried the "music in the round" yet, but I have pulled the 2's pretty far out in the room just to see what this would bring to the table. Bass suffers a little bit, but they still did the staging thing very well. I often wondered what they would sound like in that setup if the back of the driver can wasn't attenuated some.

I think positioning in general with the Ohm's can be as tweaky as you want to get, but they generally sound very good no matter how they are placed within reason. I love that my 3's have the casters on the bottom, makes it so nice to wheel them out from the wall that my A/V stand is on, and move them where they do sound best.

When I am not in the "critical listening mode", they can just stay put, which is about 10" from the wall in front of me, and spread about 6' apart. Pulling them out so the plane of the speakers are beyond the TV screen usually works nicely for video. If in the music zone, they get moved out in the room about 2' and spread apart about 8/9', which still leaves about 4' on either side of each speaker. My listening position is about 7/8' away. Still fine tuning though!

Still in break-in mode on the 3000's, enjoying them very much at the moment! Tim
Ron, I'm also in NYC, I've had my MWT's in a couple different rooms in my apartment, and never tweaked a thing. I think it's more about the sound of the room, vs. where you're sitting. As long as your room isn't too live, the MWT's are the best small speaker! The MWT's drop to about 4 ohms at the low frequency cut-off, but are over 8 most of the time. If you have questions about compatibility, ask John over at Ohm.