Accuracy vs. Enjoyment

Would you rather have a system that accurately portrays the grooves (or pits) in the record or CD,
or one which sounds good on the majority of discs?
Acknowledging that not all media are created equal, the best system will sound best on the best, most accurate discs.  But what if the great majority of average sounding discs don’t measure up, and indeed are annoying compared to the best?
What then?


Actually, one can have both characteristics if desired. Careful selection of gear and system synergy will yield accuracy, enjoyment.  I will report that it is probably easier to assemble a system for musical enjoyment.
This is such a great hobby.   Happy Listening!
@rvpiano   +1 for jafant   You really can assemble a system which is accurate and musically pleasing even with imperfect media.  The very quest you ask about is what for many of its is the driving force in assembling our gear and massaging that gear with appropriate attention to footers, tubes, decoupling of speakers and subwoofers from the sound room and lest we forget proper and judicious room treatment. It takes time to get it all right but when you do, you can just sit back and let the beauty of the music wash over you.